The association "Accademia della Risata", (Laughter Academy) is born in 2006 and it is located in Urbino (Italy). It is a nonprofit association with devotion in social fields. The purpose of the association is the systematic study, the experimentation, the divulgation and the application, in national and international territory, of the benefits that can bring laughing, good humour and positive way of thinking to the well-being in the psychological and fisical sphere of a person.
The "Accademia della Risata" (Laughter Academy) has an agreement with the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" regarding interships of formation and leanings and with "ASUR Marche - Area Vasta 1" about comic-therapy called "Un sorriso in Corsia" and "Anima-Tour" for business formation projects regarding psycho-physic wellness of the staff called "Benessere dei dipendenti: stare bene le proprio luogo di lavoro" without mentioning other initiatives.
The Academy puts her attention particularly in "gelotology", that is a science that study the phenomenon of laugh and its potentiality in therapeutic area, like the treatment of prevention, the support and integration at the clinical-therapeutical cures.
"Laughter Academy" promote the knowlege and the study of the comic-therapy, and it applys his therapeutical potentiality ins social sanitary area, with the object to encourage the prevention and the cure of psycho-somatic and social discomforts. Moreover, an other object of the academy is to promote cultural activities of education and formation.
The association occupys about:
- Promotes the comic-therapy in hospitals, in sanitary structures, recovery centers for psycho-phisical handicap etc.. This is possible thanks to the presence of animators, which receive a training trough the courses which are organized by the academy on her own.
- Spreads scientific and cultural investigations about the phenomenon of laugh and about the use of its therapeutical applications in the sanitary context, but also in private and business context.
- Develops colaborations between associations which have similar finalities.
- Organizies congress, formation courses, workshop and other events about "gelotology".
- Applys and promotes the comical therapy in schools, in order to stimulate creativity, to prevent youth discomfort, and also as a support for the teachers.
- The "Laughter Academy" is an organization in which we found assiociations, institutions, schools, foundations, private subjects and also the university, which have all the same purpose, and that is that of manage professional and voluteering activities
The Academy works together with the association "Clown OneItalia" Onlus – that is a global humanitarian project, which is associate with the "Gesundheit Institute" of Dr. Patch Adams.
Furthermore, the academy supports the initiatives promoted by PARADA ITALIA: "Un naso rosso contro l'indifferenza" ("A red nose against indifference") and also the tour of "Ragazzi di Bucarest" ("Guys of Bucharest"). The academy supports also members of the clown MILOUD OUKILI, which is the president of the romanian Parada Foundation and also Unicef Award of "Dalla parte dei bambini" ("at children side").
Inside the Academy it is also a seat of the Laughter Club – Yoga della Risata, which is associated to Dr. Kataria's School of Laughter Yoga, that develops techniques to stimolate the laughter.
The founders of the Laughter Academy are professionists in Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, Gelotology, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Comunication and Marketing, Enogastronomy, and also in Organization of Events.
Information for the payment of the membership fee of € 30,00
Bank transfer to the following account:
IBAN IT55Z0870068701000100180981
Banca di Credito Cooperativo del Metauro Filiale Urbino.
The proceeds that are derived trough the initiatives and activities carry out thanks to the organization "Accademia della Risata", will be completely devolve to support the projects of the organization, or to support other projects already started by other organizations which have similar purpose as we.
You can support our organization giving a contribution through a bank transfer at that current account:
IBAN IT55Z0870068701000100180981
Banca di Credito Cooperativo del Metauro Filiale Urbino. |