We all known that the pleasure of good food and conviviality loosen stress and promote positive feelings , but perhaps not everyone knows that cheerfulness can be supported by taking foods that , by their biochemical composition , stimulate the release of substances capable of increasing cheerfulness. Just starting from these scientifically proven principles , the LAUHTER ACADEMY proposes Dinners of Cheerfulness to disseminate the beneficial aspects of laughter.
The menu offered, prepared by the chefs of the restaurants with the assistance of Daniela Storoni , Academy of Laughter partner and cheerful mood food expert , will feature these amazing ingredients. It will not be a chemistry lesson , but during the evening in a very relaxed and fun atmosphere , the mood of the participants will be stimulated by the animators of the Academy of Laughter , through conversations , games and music on the subject, trying to provide an additional perspective which will help everyone to understand -through experience- that our physical wellbeing also depends on what we eat. The philosophy of The LAUGHTER ACADEMY in proposing this event is that of helping to rediscover once more the pleasure and fun of sitting at a table with different people and share the joy of discovering that "smiling goes hand in hand with eating ".
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